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I translate French, Spanish, and Welsh texts into English.


I have published translations of short children's educational books, as well as numerous magazine articles. I have recently translated two YA novels from French into English, both due to be published later in 2023.


I also take on commercial translation work.

Piles of Books
Cuando brilla el sol
Cuando cae la lluvia
Cuando sopla el viento
Cuando cae la nieve
Mis Primeras 100 Palabras
Brit Es Magazine #0 Dreams
Mis Primeros Números
Mis Primeras Palabras

Brit Es Magazine

English-Language Editor & Lead Translator

Brit Es Magazine explores the interplay between British and Spanish culture, with a particular focus on Spanish artists based in the UK.

I have been involved with the magazine since its foundation in 2013, initially as a contributing translator. Since 2015, I have been the magazine's English-language editor and lead translator. I have translated and edited numerous articles for Brit Es Magazine which have been published both online and in print.

Taken from El Jarama by Rafael Sánchez Ferlosio

— Sí que sí; un elemento de cuidado — añadió el alcarreño —. Pues ya les sale bien caro a los madrileños el poquito respeto que le tienen. Lo que les pasa es que aprenden a nadar en las piscinas, y luego se vienen al Jarama a practicarlo; pues nada, lo ven tan somero, lo ven que no los cubre ni la mitad que una piscina, y se confían y se creen que todo el monte es orégano. 

— ¡Diferencia con una piscina! — dijo Amalio —. ¡Ojo, que hay curvas! ¡Adónde va a parar! Aguas estas, que tienen siete capas, con todos sus recovecos y sus dobleces y sus entretelas. Como una cosa viva; conmás engaños que el jopo de una zorra y más percersidades que si fuesen manojos de culebras, en vez de ser agua, lo que vienen corriendo por el lecho. Que no es persona este río. No es persona ninguna de fiar. Con una cantidad de hipocresía, que le tiembla el misterio — se reía.



“Oh absolutely; an element of caution,” added the man from Alcarría. “Well, plenty of those Madrid folk have already paid a big enough price for their lack of respect for it. The thing is, they learn how to swim in a swimming pool, and then come here to take on the Jarama and, well, there we have it. They see how shallow it is, not half as deep as a swimming pool, and they get cocky, thinking it’ll all just be plain sailing.”

“Ha! Some swimming pool!” said Amalio. “I mean, look out for all those bends, right?! Where’s it gonna stop?! There’s more to these waters than meets the eye after all, with all its curves and folds, its twists and turns. It’s like a living thing, with more tricks than a vixen’s tail and more perils than if it were flowing with snakes instead of water. But living or not, this river is by no means human. You just can’t trust it like you can a person. With a good dash of hypocrisy, it’s rippling with mystery,” he laughed.

Sample Literary Translation


These are some clients with whom I have had successful commercial collaborations.

English to Welsh

I have translated many official forms from English to Welsh.

Quill Logo.png

I translated several documents from Spanish to English for this content creation agency.

Morrisons Logo Final.png

I translated many car park signs from English to Welsh.


I used to work in house for Rosetta Translation as their Head of Quality Assurance. I have also collaborated with them several times as a translator in all of my working languages.

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